SOC-2 Compliance Simplified For SMBs

SOC-2 Compliance Simplified For SMBs

In today’s digital age, trust is paramount. As businesses increasingly migrate to the cloud, customers demand assurance that their data is safe, secure, and handled with the utmost care. Enter SOC-2, or Service Organization Control 2, an auditing procedure developed by the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA). This framework evaluates and reports on the controls at a service organization related to the security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy of a system.

So, why should SMB (Small and Medium-sized Business) SaaS (Software as a Service) companies take note?

#1. SOC-2 compliance demonstrates to clients and stakeholders that data security is a top priority, and the company has established controls to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of their data.

#2. In a competitive SaaS marketplace, having a SOC-2 certification can provide a distinct advantage, showcasing a company’s commitment to security and trustworthiness.

As we delve deeper into the intricacies of SOC-2 in this article, we’ll explore how SMB businesses can navigate this complex landscape and build trust, foster customer relationships, and ensure sustainable business growth.

SOC-2 Simplified For SMBs – What Can You Expect?

SOC-2 Compliance Simplified for SMBs

What Can SMBs Do to Fulfill Each SOC-2 Compliance Criteria?

Mapping SOC-2 Compliance to SMB Engineering Practices

When to Start Thinking About SOC-2 Compliance?


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

SOC-2 Compliance Simplified for SMBs

SOC-2 compliance revolves around five trust criteria, each designed to address specific areas of operational and technological risks. Among these, the “Security” criterion is the only essential one that all organizations must meet. The other criteria—Availability, Processing Integrity, Confidentiality, and Privacy—are optional, allowing organizations to tailor their compliance efforts based on their unique operational needs and the specific demands of their clientele.

a. Security (Essential)

The Security criterion is foundational and ensures that systems are protected against unauthorized access, both physical and logical. This protection prevents data breaches, unauthorized changes, and system failures.

Security Key Components

Access Controls

Mechanisms like multi-factor authentication ensure that only authorized individuals can access data. For example, a banking app might require both a password and a one-time code sent to the user’s phone.

Network Security

This involves tools like firewalls and intrusion detection systems that guard against both external attacks and internal breaches.

Regular Security Assessments

Just as a building undergoes safety inspections, systems should have routine checks to identify vulnerabilities. This includes periodic penetration testing and vulnerability assessments to ensure robustness against emerging threats.

b. Availability (Optional)

Availability focuses on the system’s accessibility and performance as promised in service agreements. While optional, it’s crucial for businesses that promise high uptime and reliability to their users.

Availability Key Components

Network Performance Monitoring

Tools that ensure the system remains accessible and performs optimally, even under high demand.

Infrastructure Maintenance

Like ensuring a car is serviced regularly, hardware and software need updates and maintenance to run smoothly.

Disaster Recovery Plans

These are strategies, like data backups, to recover data and restore service after events such as natural disasters or cyberattacks.

Performance Monitoring

Using tools to monitor system health, akin to a heart rate monitor during physical activity, helps address issues before they escalate.

c. Processing Integrity (Optional)

This criterion ensures that a system achieves its purpose—delivering the right data to the right place at the right time. It’s optional but vital for businesses where data processing accuracy is paramount.

Processing Integrity Key Components

Data Verification

Checks, like cross-referencing, ensure data is processed correctly. For instance, verifying credit card details before processing a transaction.

Quality Assurance

Regular testing, much like test-driving a car, ensures processes work as intended and that data integrity is maintained throughout its lifecycle.

Process Monitoring

Tools that act like surveillance cameras, watching for any deviations from expected processing, and alerting teams to anomalies.

d. Confidentiality (Optional)

Confidentiality ensures that data designated as confidential is adequately protected. While optional, it’s essential for businesses handling sensitive data like financial or health records.

Confidentiality Key Components


This is like converting a readable book into a secret code that only certain people can understand. Both data at rest and in transit should be encrypted to ensure its confidentiality.

Access Restrictions

Similar to having restricted areas in a facility, certain data is only viewable by specific roles, ensuring that only those with a legitimate need can access sensitive information.

Data Classification

This involves categorizing data, much like a library classifies books, and applying protection measures based on sensitivity. This helps in determining which data requires the highest levels of protection.

e. Privacy (Optional)

The Privacy criterion pertains to the collection, storage, processing, and sharing of personal information. It’s optional but becomes crucial for businesses that handle vast amounts of personal data or operate in regions with strict privacy regulations, such as the GDPR. Mishandling personal data, such as email addresses collected for newsletters, can lead to hefty fines.

Privacy Key Components

Consent Management

This ensures data is used only with the individual’s permission, much like needing permission to enter someone’s house. It’s about being transparent with users about how their data will be used and ensuring that it’s used in ways they’ve agreed to.

Data Minimization

This principle is about collecting only necessary data, akin to a diner ordering just what they can eat. It’s essential to ensure that only the data needed for specific processes is collected and stored.

Retention Policies

Like not hoarding items indefinitely, data shouldn’t be kept longer than necessary and should be discarded securely. This involves having clear policies about how long data will be stored and the methods used to securely delete it when it’s no longer needed.

Why Are Some Criteria Optional?

The optional nature of certain criteria allows businesses to align their compliance efforts with their specific operational realities. Not all businesses will need to ensure high availability or process personal data, for instance. By making some criteria optional, SOC-2 provides flexibility, allowing organizations to focus on what’s most relevant to their operations and their customers’ needs.

What Can SMBs Do to Fulfill Each SOC-2 Compliance Criteria?

Achieving SOC-2 compliance can seem exhausting. By understanding the steps to take and the proof required, SMBs can confidently approach their audit, ensuring they not only meet but show their compliance against each criterion. Here’s a comprehensive guide on what to do and how to prove it.

a. Security

For the security criterion, auditors typically pose around 15 questions. Following are a few concrete actions that you can take and provide relevant pieces of evidence.

Conduct Regular Risk Assessments

Periodically identify potential vulnerabilities in your systems.

Evidence: Risk assessment reports showcasing findings and remediation actions.

Example: An annual risk assessment report highlighting potential vulnerabilities in a company’s cloud storage and the actions taken to address them.

Implement Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Ensure users provide multiple verification methods before granting access.

Evidence: MFA configuration settings and logs demonstrating its active use.

Example: Logs showing that employees are required to enter both a password and a verification code sent to their mobile device when accessing company systems.

Regularly Update and Patch Systems

Keep software up-to-date to guard against vulnerabilities.

Evidence: Patch management logs and schedules showing timely updates.

Example: Monthly logs showing that security patches for the company’s CRM software were applied within a week of release.

Educate Employees

Equip them with knowledge on security best practices.

Evidence: Employee training materials, attendance records, and possibly quiz results to gauge understanding.

Example: Quarterly cybersecurity training sessions with attendance sheets and post-training quiz scores indicating employee comprehension.

b. Availability

Auditors typically have around 10 questions concerning availability. Following are a few concrete actions that you can take and provide relevant pieces of evidence.

Establish a Robust Backup Strategy

Ensure data is backed up regularly to multiple locations.

Evidence: Backup logs and schedules indicating frequency and success rates.

Example: Weekly backup logs showing successful data backups to both on-site and off-site storage locations.

Monitor System Performance

Keep an eye on system health to ensure optimal performance.

Evidence: System performance monitoring reports highlighting uptime and any incidents.

Example: Monthly performance reports indicating 99.9% system uptime and rapid resolution of any detected issues.

Develop a Disaster Recovery Plan

Be prepared for unforeseen events.

Evidence: Documented disaster recovery plans and test results showing preparedness.

Example: A detailed disaster recovery plan outlining steps for various scenarios, along with quarterly test results showing successful data and system recovery.

c. Processing Integrity

This criterion usually involves addressing approximately 12 questions from auditors. Following are a few concrete actions that you can take and provide relevant pieces of evidence.

Implement Data Validation Checks

Ensure data is processed correctly.

Evidence: Data validation logs and configurations indicating active checks.

Example: Logs showing that all financial transactions undergo validation checks against set criteria before processing.

Monitor System Activities

Watch for any anomalies in system processes.

Evidence: System activity monitoring logs showcasing regular oversight.

Example: Daily logs capturing unusual system activities, such as unexpected data transfers, with associated investigative actions.

Test System Outputs

Ensure the system’s outputs are accurate and timely.

Evidence: System output test results and reports indicating accuracy.

Example: Monthly tests of a billing system’s outputs, verifying the accuracy of generated invoices against transaction records.

d. Confidentiality

For confidentiality, auditors generally pose around 10 questions. Following are a few concrete actions that you can take and provide relevant pieces of evidence.

Classify Data

Determine which data is confidential and treat it accordingly.

Evidence: Data classification policies and logs showing active categorization.

Example: A data classification policy that categorizes customer financial data as “Highly Confidential,” with logs showing regular audits of data storage to ensure compliance.

Encrypt Sensitive Data

Protect confidential data from unauthorized access.

Evidence: Encryption configurations and certificates proving data protection.

Example: Encryption certificates and configurations showing that all “Highly Confidential” data is encrypted both in transit and at rest.

Limit Access

Ensure only authorized personnel can access confidential data.

Evidence: Access control lists and logs demonstrating restricted access.

Example: Access logs showing that only designated finance team members can access customer financial records.

e. Privacy

The privacy criterion often entails responding to about 12 questions. Following are a few concrete actions that you can take and provide relevant pieces of evidence.

Understand Data Collection Needs

Only gather necessary personal data.

Evidence: Data collection policies and logs showing adherence.

Example: A data collection policy that specifies only collecting customer names and email addresses for newsletter sign-ups, with logs showing compliance.

Implement Consent Management Tools

Ensure you have permissions before processing personal data.

Evidence: Consent management configurations and user agreements indicating informed consent.

Example: Logs showing that users are presented with clear consent forms before their data is collected, with options to opt-out.

Regularly Review Data Retention Policies

Don’t hold onto personal data longer than necessary.

Evidence: Data retention policies and deletion logs showing compliance.

Example: A data retention policy that specifies deleting user data two years after their last interaction, with logs showing timely data deletions.

Mapping SOC-2 Compliance to SMB Engineering Practices

Achieving SOC-2 compliance is deeply rooted in engineering practices. These practices are the technical strategies and procedures that software engineers adopt to ensure the reliability, security, and efficiency of systems. By aligning these core engineering practices with SOC-2 requirements, organizations can ensure compliance while fostering a culture of technical excellence.

Let’s use the example of an app deployed on AWS, to explore this alignment. However, similar strategies can be used either for other cloud providers or if you are deploying within your own environment.

a. Infrastructure Security and Management

Trust Criteria: Security

Engineering Practice

Secure Configuration, Deployment, and Architecture – This involves setting up, managing, and architecting the technical infrastructure in a way that prioritizes security.

Deploy the app within AWS Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs) and ensure a secure architecture design that segregates different components, minimizes attack surfaces and uses services like AWS Shield and AWS WAF for DDoS protection and web application security. Regularly conduct VAPT to identify and rectify vulnerabilities.

Evidence: AWS VPC configurations, architecture diagrams, VAPT reports, AWS Shield, and WAF configurations.

b. Access Control

Trust Criteria: Security

Engineering Practice

Identity and Access Management (IAM) and Third-Party Tool Reviews – Ensure only authorized individuals or services can access specific resources and regularly review third-party tools for potential security risks.

Utilize AWS IAM, regularly review permissions, enforce multi-factor authentication, and assess third-party tools and integrations for security compliance. Implement strict role-based access controls and periodically audit access rights.

Evidence: IAM policies, access logs, third-party tool assessment reports, MFA configurations.

c. Data Protection

Trust Criteria: Confidentiality

Engineering Practice

Data Encryption, Backup, and Secure Coding – Ensure data is encrypted, securely backed up, and that the application code is written with security in mind.

Use AWS Key Management Service (KMS) for encryption, AWS S3 for backups, and adopt secure coding practices to prevent vulnerabilities like SQL injection or cross-site scripting. Implement data masking and tokenization where necessary.

Evidence: Encryption configurations, backup schedules, secure coding guidelines, data masking configurations.

d. Monitoring and Logging

Trust Criteria: Availability

Engineering Practice

Continuous Monitoring, Logging, and Code Reviews – Continuously monitor systems and applications, maintain detailed logs, and regularly review code for potential security issues.

Use AWS CloudWatch and AWS CloudTrail for monitoring and logging, set up alerts for suspicious activities, and conduct regular code reviews to ensure security best practices are followed in the application’s development. Implement centralized logging solutions for better oversight.

Evidence: CloudWatch dashboard configurations, CloudTrail logs, code review logs, centralized logging configurations.

e. Application Security

Trust Criteria: Security

Engineering Practice

Secure Deployment, VAPT, and Training – Ensure secure deployment, regularly test for vulnerabilities, and train the team on security best practices.

Use AWS CodePipeline for secure deployment, conduct VAPT to identify potential vulnerabilities, and provide regular training sessions for the team on the latest security threats and mitigation strategies. Implement security checks within the CI/CD pipeline to catch vulnerabilities early in the development process.

Evidence: CodePipeline configurations, VAPT reports, training schedules, and materials, CI/CD security check logs.

f. Disaster Recovery

Trust Criteria: Availability

Engineering Practice

Resilience, Recovery, and Secure Architecture – Design systems for resilience and have strategies for recovery, ensuring a secure architectural foundation.

Use AWS services like Elastic Load Balancing and Auto Scaling for resilience, AWS Lambda and AWS Step Functions for recovery, and ensure the system’s architecture is designed with security, scalability, and fault tolerance in mind. Implement geographically distributed deployments to ensure availability during regional outages.

Evidence: ELB and Auto Scaling configurations, Lambda function logs, architectural diagrams, geographically distributed deployment configurations.

g. Data Privacy

Trust Criteria: Privacy

Engineering Practice

Data Management, Retention, and Secure Coding – Ensure personal data is stored, processed, and retained securely and in compliance with privacy regulations.

Use AWS services like Amazon RDS for data storage, enforce data retention policies, automate data deletion processes, and ensure secure coding practices to protect personal data. Implement strict access controls on personal data and ensure data is anonymized or pseudonymized where possible.

Evidence: RDS configurations, data retention policies, secure coding guidelines, data anonymization configurations.

Engineering practices are the backbone of technical compliance. Mapping these practices to SOC-2 trust criteria and integrating them with appropriate services and broader software engineering best practices, not only ensures compliance but also elevates the overall security posture and resilience of the organization’s systems.

When to Start Thinking About SOC-2 Compliance?

So, when should you start thinking about SOC-2 compliance? Is it more advantageous for businesses to embed compliance from the start, or is it a milestone to be achieved later in the growth journey? The answer often intertwines with a company’s growth stage, market demands, and long-term vision.

Starting Early


Building a Secure Foundation: Initiating with a SOC-2 mindset ensures that security isn’t an afterthought but a core principle. This foundational approach minimizes the risk of future security breaches and the associated reputational damage.

Gaining a Competitive Edge: Especially for emerging SaaS companies, an early commitment to SOC-2 can be a market differentiator. It assures potential clients and stakeholders of the company’s dedication to data security.

Streamlined Processes: When compliance guidelines shape the initial processes, it often results in a more coherent and efficient operational framework.

Prioritizing Early Efforts

Risk Assessment: Begin by identifying potential threats and vulnerabilities in the system.

Data Protection: Prioritize the protection of sensitive data from the outset, leveraging encryption and other security measures.

Access Control: Establish robust protocols for who can access what data, ensuring no unauthorized access.

Considering Compliance Later


Focused Growth: Startups, in their nascent stages, often grapple with challenges like achieving product-market fit or user acquisition. Prioritizing these can sometimes mean deferring intensive compliance efforts.

Iterative Approach: By waiting, companies can refine their processes based on real-world challenges and feedback, ensuring a more tailored approach to compliance.


Potential for Band-Aid Solutions: Delaying a security-first approach might lead to patchwork solutions later on. These can be resource-intensive, less effective, and might not stand the test of rigorous audits.

Prioritizing Later Efforts

Gap Analysis: Conduct a thorough review to understand the current stance vis-à-vis SOC-2 requirements.

Third-party Reviews: Engaging external experts can provide valuable insights into the gaps and the best ways to bridge them.

Employee Training: As the saying goes, “A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.” Ensuring that every team member is on board and well-versed with compliance requirements is crucial.

Balanced Approach

For many, the sweet spot lies in a balanced approach. This means having a rudimentary awareness of SOC-2 requirements from the outset but delving deep into the nuances as the company evolves. Such a strategy offers the flexibility of a startup and the preparedness of a mature company, ensuring that when the time for formal compliance arrives, the organization isn’t caught off-guard.


SOC-2 compliance assures customers and stakeholders of data security and integrity. By meeting SOC-2 standards, businesses not only bolster their cyber defenses but also carve a niche as reliable players in a saturated market. And, if done right, bolsters your engineering processes to meet the growing demands of your customer, safely and securely.

Talk to us at BUZZ for personalized guidance to navigate the complexities of SOC-2 Compliance.

Our team of experts is here to assist you, ensuring that your business remains resilient in the face of evolving cyber threats.

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Your security is our priority. Let’s build a safer digital future together.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

SOC-2 is a framework that sets criteria for managing customer data based on five trust service principles: security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy.


Primarily, SaaS and cloud service providers that store customer data, but any company that uses cloud services to store its information can benefit from SOC-2 compliance.


No, but it’s highly recommended, especially for those handling sensitive customer data. It can also be a market differentiator, signaling trustworthiness to potential clients.


Typically, companies should undergo SOC-2 auditing annually to ensure continued compliance and address any new vulnerabilities.


BUZZ offers tailored cybersecurity solutions for SMB SaaS companies, guiding them through the compliance process and ensuring sustained adherence to SOC-2 standards.


SOC-2 Type I assesses a company’s systems and suitability of design of controls at a specific point in time. Type II evaluates the operational effectiveness of those systems and controls over a defined period.


The timeline varies based on the company’s size, complexity, and current security posture. However, on average, it can take anywhere from 6 to 12 months.


No. While all these standards focus on data protection, each has its specific requirements and scope. GDPR is about data protection rights for EU citizens, HIPAA focuses on health information, and SOC-2 is about operational controls and practices.


Yes. Compliance reduces the risk but doesn’t eliminate it entirely. Continuous monitoring, updates, and training are essential to address evolving threats.


There aren’t direct penalties, but non-compliance can lead to lost business opportunities, reputational damage, and potential legal ramifications in the event of a data breach.

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