How to Perform Cyber Risk Assessment for Small Business

In today’s digital landscape, terms like “risk assessment” might seem like jargon best left to the tech behemoths. However, it’s a pivotal process that every business, regardless of its size, should embrace. This guide is tailored to demystify risk assessment for Small and Medium-sized Businesses (SMBs), highlighting its significance and showcasing how it can guard your business against looming cyber threats.

Risk Assessment for SMBs – What can you expect

Truth Behind Two Popular Cyber Incidents

Understanding Risk Assessments for SMB Owners

Navigating the Cyber Risk Landscape: A Comprehensive Guide

How To Evaluate Cyber Risks for SMBs

Prioritizing Cyber Risks for SMBs


Truth Behind Two Popular Cyber Incidents

Let’s start with two recent events, the MoveIT attack and the Tesla insider breach, both underscore the critical importance of regular risk assessments.

The MoveIT Attack

In 2023, a significant vulnerability was discovered in MOVEit, a popular file transfer solution. This vulnerability allowed attackers to steal files from organizations through SQL injection on public-facing servers. The breach was so severe that it was assigned a severity rating of 9.8 out of 10. The attacks against this vulnerability were true “zero-day attacks” and may have begun as early as May 27, 2023. The aftermath saw over 130 organizations impacted, affecting 15 million people. The intrusion could be traced back to May, but investigations revealed that the breach’s scope was vast and had far-reaching consequences for the affected organizations – source.

Tesla Insider Attack

Tesla, a name synonymous with innovation in the automotive industry, wasn’t immune to cyber threats. In 2023, Tesla faced a significant data breach affecting more than 75,000 of the company’s employees. The breach wasn’t a result of external hackers but was an inside job. Two insiders shared sensitive information, leading to a massive breach. The stolen data included personal information, employee-related records, and sensitive corporate details. The breach was a result of “insider wrongdoing,” emphasizing the need for businesses to be vigilant not just against external threats but also potential threats from within – source.

Implications for SMB

Both these incidents highlight the multifaceted nature of cyber threats. While external vulnerabilities can be exploited by malicious actors, internal threats, often overlooked, can be equally damaging.

For SMBs, these incidents serve as a wake-up call. The belief that they might be too small to be targeted is a misconception. In the interconnected digital landscape, every business, irrespective of its size, is a potential target. Regular risk assessments, combined with a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy, can be the difference between a secure digital future and a potential cyber catastrophe.

The key takeaway? You could be a popular app but a small security lapse is all it takes!

Understanding Risk Assessments for SMB Owners

These days, where everything from customer data to financial transactions happens online, ensuring the safety of your business’s digital assets is crucial. But how do you know where your vulnerabilities lie? Enter the concept of risk assessments.

So, What Exactly is a Risk Assessment?

Simply Put – Think of a risk assessment as a health check-up for your business’s digital operations. Just as a doctor would identify potential health risks and advise on preventive measures, a risk assessment pinpoints where your business might be vulnerable to cyber threats.

Let’s Break Down Risk Assessments

Identifying Risks: This is about identifying potential online threats that could harm your business. It could be anything from someone trying to trick your employees into revealing passwords (phishing) to harmful software that locks up your data and demands a ransom (ransomware).

Measuring Impact: Once you know the threats, you need to understand how damaging they could be. For instance, a data breach revealing customer information could harm your reputation and result in financial penalties.

Planning Defense: With a clear picture of the threats and their potential impact, you can then decide on the best ways to protect your business. This could involve technical solutions, training for your staff, or changes to your business processes.

Why Should SMB Owners Care?

Imagine building a house on a plot of land without checking if the ground is stable. You wouldn’t, right? Similarly, before you expand and invest your online business, you need to build a strong and secure foundation. That’s what a risk assessment does. It ensures that as you grow, you’re aware of the potential pitfalls and are prepared to handle them.

In simpler terms, a risk assessment is your business’s way of staying ahead of potential online threats – making you proactive, not reactive. And in a time when even a single cyber incident can result in significant financial and reputational damage, understanding and mitigating risks isn’t just smart; it’s essential.

How To Evaluate Cyber Risks for SMBs

In the dynamic world of cybersecurity, understanding risks is only half the battle. For Small and Medium-sized Businesses (SMBs), the real challenge lies in evaluating these risks to ensure optimal protection. Below is a structured approach that aligns with recognized frameworks and offers actionable insights tailored for SMBs.

Adapting the NIST/CIS Framework for SMBs

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the Center for Internet Security (CIS) provide robust frameworks for cybersecurity. While these frameworks are comprehensive, they can be tailored to meet the specific needs of SMBs.

Understanding Organizational Risks

Before diving into the implementation of any framework, it’s crucial to have a clear understanding of one’s organizational risks. Gartner emphasizes the importance of this knowledge, especially when adapting a guidance-based framework like the NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) source.

Framework Implementation

With a clear understanding of risks, SMBs can then implement the NIST/CIS framework, focusing on the most relevant controls and practices. This ensures that the cybersecurity measures are both effective and efficient.

The Cybersecurity Maturity Model

Maturity models offer a roadmap for continuous improvement. For SMBs, adopting a simple model makes it easy for them to keep track of how they are trending.

Initial Stage

Recognizing the importance of cybersecurity and beginning to implement basic controls.

Managed Stage

Regularly reviewing and updating cybersecurity practices, with some standardized processes in place.

Optimized Stage

Advanced cybersecurity practices with continuous monitoring, improvement, and adaptation to emerging threats.

Risk Matrix for Prioritization

A risk matrix is an invaluable tool for SMBs to prioritize risks based on their potential impact and likelihood.

High Impact, High Likelihood

These are the most critical risks that require immediate attention and resources.

High Impact, Low Likelihood

While these risks might not occur frequently, their potential impact is significant, warranting proactive measures.

Low Impact, High Likelihood

These risks might occur frequently but have a minimal impact. They still require mitigation but might not be the top priority.

Low Impact, Low Likelihood

These are the lowest priority risks but should still be monitored and addressed as part of a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy.

By leveraging recognized frameworks like NIST/CIS, adopting a maturity model mindset, and utilizing tools like the risk matrix, SMBs can use a more structured approach to evaluating and prioritizing their cyber risks.

Prioritizing Cyber Risks for SMBs

While understanding and evaluating risks is crucial, the real challenge lies in prioritizing them to avoid getting overwhelmed. So, how can SMBs take matters into their own hands, and what expertise is required to ensure effective prioritization? Let’s explore.

The Power of Self-Assessment

Even without extensive cybersecurity expertise, SMBs can embark on a journey of self-assessment. Here’s how:

Identify Critical Assets

Start by listing the most crucial digital assets of your business. This could be customer data, financial records, proprietary software, or any other digital resource that’s vital to your operations.

People and Vendors

Your employees and third-party vendors can be both assets and potential vulnerabilities. Understand their access levels, the data they handle, and the potential risks associated with them.

Understand Potential Threats

For each asset, identify potential threats. For instance, customer data might be at risk from phishing attacks, while proprietary software could be targeted by malware.

Evaluate Impact

Consider the potential impact of each threat. Would a breach lead to financial loss? Reputational damage? Operational disruption?

It’s natural to feel overwhelmed given the myriad of risks. However, a practical approach is to focus on the top 5 most critical risks. Addressing these can significantly bolster your cybersecurity posture.

Leveraging Available Tools

Several tools, many of them free or affordable, can assist SMBs in risk prioritization:

Risk Assessment Templates

Available online, these templates guide businesses through the process of identifying and evaluating risks.

Cybersecurity Frameworks

While frameworks like NIST/CIS might seem complex, their basic principles can be adapted for SMBs, offering a structured approach to risk prioritization.

Seeking Expertise: When and Why?

While a DIY approach is empowering, there are moments when seeking expertise becomes invaluable:

Complex Threat Landscape

As cyber threats evolve, having an expert who stays updated on the latest risks can be a game-changer.

Technical Implementation

While identifying risks might be feasible in-house, implementing technical solutions often requires specialized knowledge.

Continuous Monitoring

Cybersecurity isn’t a one-time task. It requires continuous monitoring and adaptation, something that experts are trained to do.

Building In-House Expertise

Investing in training and upskilling can equip SMBs with the expertise they need:

Cybersecurity Workshops

Regular workshops can keep the team updated on the latest threats and best practices.

Certification Programs

Encouraging employees to undergo cybersecurity certification can bolster in-house expertise.

In essence, while SMBs can take proactive steps towards prioritizing cyber risks, a blend of DIY efforts and expert insights ensures a comprehensive approach.



Small and Medium-sized Businesses (SMBs) play a pivotal role – they drive innovation, foster community growth, and are often the backbone of local economies. Yet, in the vast realm of cybersecurity, these very businesses find themselves navigating a maze of risks, often with limited resources.

By understanding, evaluating, and prioritizing cyber risks, SMBs can not only safeguard their assets but also carve a niche for themselves in a competitive marketplace.

If you’re an SMB owner or executive, the journey towards robust cybersecurity begins with a single step. Don’t wait for a breach to recognize the importance of protection.

At Buzz, we’re dedicated to guiding SMBs on this crucial journey. Connect with us, and let’s collaboratively ensure that your digital presence remains secure, trustworthy, and poised for growth.

Ready to take the next step towards a secure digital future?
Talk to us at BUZZ for personalized guidance and support.

Our team of experts is here to assist you, ensuring that your business remains resilient in the face of evolving cyber threats.

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Your security is our priority. Let’s build a safer digital future together.

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